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The greed-filled lane

It said to me, into the ear of inner listening and understanding, of whatever is required, at the very least one must pay attention …

Who art thou among the others wanting and desiring, wishing and praying for more, much more than is ever to be necessary to have a good and prosperous life?

I said yes, it is I, the fellow traveller on this Earth wanting and desiring, wishing and praying as any good man or woman would do where health and prosperity of life is concerned.

Do you not hear me, you silly child…
This that I am to say is about wealth beyond any fair play or kindly acts.
This that I say is beyond any reverence for life and care for the human being – that of the lowly and middle classes beyond the depths of despair.
This that I refer to is about sustenance and fair play, rightful behaviour and the consequences if that kind of behaviour is not in place – instilled. In fact, so known as to be outrageous to contend otherwise.

The Devil spoke in harsh reply …

Don’t you be a silly fool and listen to those enormously proud and wise ways, for that will only result in some form of hardship like having to care for your fellow man.
And that, my friend is totally unnecessary and outrageous; in itself a foolish game to play.

My way, the only way for the greedy folk as yourselves, is to wrongly play the game of life and suppress any form of conscience prick. Involve yourself foolhardy, but necessary into the greed momentum and fail as you will, drive hard as you can; nothing, yes nothing will allow you to enter the kingdom of heaven for that is quite a ridiculous myth.

The way and only way is to play the game I instilled long before your birth, well before your ancestors. Play that of the devilish, forward planning, greed escaping wrath – but wrongly to your fellow compatriots for they in themselves care so little for your well-being.
So henceforth come to me, oh yes do come my way for here I like you to do for me what the gods predict is far too dangerous in the end, for they insist that this type of behaviour will eventually drive you mad.

Well, that being said, it is far better to root yourself in the greed filled lane and drive yourself into oblivion than play God’s words and game, for that leads to a more righteous folk and these end up no differently, but for them conscience freed.

December 9th, 2013