The Clever Observer

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The aftermath of capitalism gone awry

It’s hell down here I cannot escape
my burden is far overdue for a release.

Long ago I swore I would envelop the Lord,
but swallowed a pill of greed instead.

So here, in the aftermath of capitalism gone awry
I lost my mind as greed over-ruled
any good sense I had of fair play and right.

My mind is set, the compass glued
I have no clear guidance here
swallowed by a sense of power
I lost and now declare …

The devil life is not the course
to value all human life and care –
that each and every step I took
was one closer to here in a Devil’s lair.

The strong are weak the poor so poor
no place, but rest declared

But in my violent stride for more
I trod on those far below my balance sheet
and crippled – I did not care,

But here in hell as I burn,
my conscience tortured beyond relief
I groan and state …

What a life I bore –
was there hope
or was I on my course,
my perfectly driven race for more.

Run with the Devil
and in the end
a conscience plays on good,
that which in one’s life left
and not kept vigil does declare …
what a foul human being I am.

December 5th, 2013