The Clever Observer

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For how long…

They came for me to listen
morning, night and in-between –
the dreaming state of an unknown territory,
but films endless into night and dawn.

So much knowledge
So much pain, delight and gain.
Promises unending, pleasure unknown,
but often illusionary, hapless, but desired.

The world changes little
the people claim their gold coin at others expense,
but there it goes as a coin unattended
rolling and swerving as it goes its own way
among the rubble and disdain,
the purgatory of man
until at last, the man no longer can keep levelled
by that passing opportunity, promise or delight.

The coin – our opportunity, ungathered,
lost on an endless unachievable roll.

What next…

Life – what value these that come,
that tell of my journey, the journey of us all –

Doom, my God doom can it be so vile
that they are to travel so far –
death no longer an issue they are to face,
as us here on Earth, this now fragile human race.

Don’t go away – face your life, listen at night,
those voices, criers of doom, know too well our own fate.

They had lived and lost, died young, fragile,
vulnerable to the mammoth of greed, work
and not the time to reflect and see this horizon –
disaster no more of us,
but planet destroyed, but we gone,
the Earth heaves, longing now to rebuild –
quietly without rabble, ignorance and losses …

But joy to re-build without chaos and criminal acts,
which only a man can subject himself, to be defined –
but what he claims as his gold, sinks to nothingness
as decay envelopes him, as the poor,
to endless wrath and painful fate …

Loss – the all times nothingness,
as the radiated landfall and tidal scenes
rape us of existence – for how long …

Past the day of endlessness and more.

December 3rd, 2013