The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries from November 18th, 2013

The old ancestors

Sorry is the sailor who ventures in past his depth
and sorry are people who fly out thinking life
is but one whole continual breath.

Who are the star makers
distinctly shining above the rest?

These are our old ancestors,
wise beyond the world’s so called geniuses,
but different in their soul.

These are the persons
giving off that much needed resource –
reflective ability
The ability to understand how man can be so foolish
not to look beyond and consider who on earth he is
and begin to know himself.
Let’s hope so.

November 18th, 2013

Constantly they come

Constantly, constantly coming to me; the men.
I am unable to bear their stories of woe,
their voices extra-ordinarily high pitched in tone
whisper, not more than a gargle, rumble or groan.

Where do they come from, how do they come
and call my name; who is behind this terrible
frustrating gaggle of men, ducks at a party
being shot by their keeper, their lord?

What of this tale – life is rotten, riddled by a disease.
No way of rescuing this plight, the damage pervasive,
endless crime.

God in Her glory sang out no more war and victory
as man does declare,
She in her haven cradles a cripple, a wounded soldier
who lives no more, but strafed by fear
for what he has had to bear, says no man again
should have to experience the same.

No more violence no more war,
Man is dying.
Life on our planet is rich no more.

November 17th, 2013

Devil’s advocate

Cross-cut and under, sideways and sure
to be clear your victim is annihilated
is that not what you,
as a Devil’s advocate, want?

Say he wanders as spirit wide,
what now your choice – death
as to where you are and to be
each night time dreaming state.
Nightmares horrific each
and in your breakfast wake.

November 15th, 2013

The Scarlet Pimpernel

The Scarlet Pimpernel.

Who was he then
who is he now
no one really does know.

Secretly filming,
deceitful in his practice
is it the enemy
and who are they?
Let us hope that it is not again
the USofA.

Take no notice, fear the worst
own your behaviour
as someone close is watching.
Let’s hope it is not your
damnable past.

November 6th, 2013

Over there over here

Barely ninteen
the Cold War
the French Revolution
Hiroshima bombing
millions dead
continual war
who cares
who benefits?

The golden lined sinners,
the rest in continual
devastation and despair.

The wars continue,
who are you in this time
of warring fools
and megalomaniac-al
greed lined tools?

November 3rd, 2013