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The devil calls the tune

‘Won’t you come along with me’, the Devil asks.
He wants a companion don’t you see.

No mischievous event occurs unless he has an ally.

Somewhere safe is what he sells,
but what does get one in the end …
a life of pleasure – greed at best
money abundant,
an attitude of, who does care-

Simply not I,
I’m now resting opulently in his lair.

The devil mind knows no-where is safe
where prayer and conscience is a man’s first,
not an idle space.

Ring for a devil of a time
and that spells danger – no risk required
your mind is ready
let us hope end,
is not on the end of your life line.

Spell Devil and out it comes.
Mind so nervous, but oh the joy of waste,
the taste of greed,
the spell of destruction – ominous,
but a hell of a ride.

November 28th, 2013