the world is in a dilemma
I do not want to miss the celebrations
and the grand slam show.
Whatever is it that makes us so compliant
when the world around us is for ever dying?
What type of idiotic, patriotic call is to allow
the Christmas festivities to cost all that they do
for nothing more than the understated view
that we are all okay, and nothing for us to do?
I said a million more times now
that we are never going to shift our belief
unless we begin to understand
all the terror made in our name,
and then in a suddenness
of shock like understanding,
as if we had no idea at all.
What a debacle,
a dilemma of enormously foul kind,
waiting until the daylight
does in no way ever again dawn.

You are the arbiter of your own life story events.
You are the article, the novel, the story –
what are you going to do about it…?
The ways in which your country folk behave
is a disgrace to the face of our flag
and culture per say,
so what are you to do as a civilian
in that country’s disgraceful behaviour
the outcome, well, that is another matter
we are yet to be faced?
The lights on the tree of life are dim,
the valley in which the tree comes from
hardly exists as the black as soot plagues the land
falling into disrepair
as we here at the celebration site stand.
Go make your bed and lie in that
for this is the best celebration you are likely to have
the way of the world is disgusted at you
for you are blameless, homeless and certainly lazy
at what your government agencies do.
God is asleep folks it is up to you.
November 25th, 2013
Tags: Action