care little for your fellow man
next minute a crisis and who will you blame?
Certainly not another nation, far far too civil
that is your game surface play,
but underneath it all you secretly converge
in from the cold and light of day
to work your evil in the sewer
as a rat at night in play.
How darkly depressing
that the games of war you play
have come in such various colours,
even now confusion
as the flag bearer to your game.
But now your secrets are out
and who on earth do you believe and think
appreciates what you are doing
including your own poor foolish population
which previously you tried in vain to underplay.

how little you thought of them as worthy
to decide their own fate
to spy as you have done to them in secret
as any stealth bomber before a raid.
And what of her people,
this bravely spoken hero of our world,
who in the name of humanity
spews her venom, even toward her own.
How is it possible
that this tribe declare leniency
toward their heinous crime,
but another seeking justice for humanity
and the right toward a peaceful resolve
is locked up unintentionally just in case
at some time in the future
he/her may be declared a renegade?
God bless her and her allied army intent
to those of her victims, the idiots
who uncomplaining live like rats in tents.
No hope cities
for crimes go unpunished
and federal banks are lent and bent.
October 30th, 2013
Tags: The Long War