is more about cover – undercover reality,
not the surface swill and swine.
The view of the real world is a completely other scene
one where people are risking the journalistic bent
to get the investigative reporting to that truth
and then extend.
No harm in breathing another type of fuel,
the problem with this ‘other world’
where reality roams
is that it is often not entirely free
from the vipers twisting and wriggling
to get in and see what exactly the news
that is wanting to be printed
by the likes of you and me.
I stole the headlines when I began to surface
and see the reality
of what this world I am to live in was like.
Not what I thought and prayed was true for me,
but the surface facts of what in reality
we are living in daily and accepting
as some sort of drone like existence.
Then it struck home
that I am my own responsibility
and need to be far more awake
if I am in the land of the living
and care about my own human race.

we are the combatants for liberty
and life’s sustainability
and the causes of good growth.
We lead a different type of existence
rather than for the masses everywhere
often living in bunker style accommodation
on the move from any source hovering above
intelligence seeking from the air.
We lead a life where the rest would hate as we do, but
that is the life we have chosen in the name of humanity and
the future of our lifestyles of worthy places to live and eat,
breath and exist both for ourselves and those to follow,
future travellers on this planet of Earth.
We do not accept the blanket statements
rehearsed from the political podium players,
we want justice in the form of fact and truth.
Not just the watered down version
if that were to be possible, but for the headlines
the cover is not the whole deal.
And this is where we venture
to give opposing insight
to allow our reader to decide
in the continuum of their search.

to be underground searching for the truth
that in the end I have for myself found.
No such luck though when it comes to parties and such
for the average punter does not like that conversation
it makes them come quite unstuck.
I know the first hand that feeling
of venturing to say what I do
and then the crowd disperses
uncomfortable to another part of that room.
I feel a suddenness within my own heart,
but then that is life and we must all do
what we believe and feel important
even if it leaves one alone and on a hunger strike.
God bless America I am so grateful for her stand,
that of liberty and justice and fair play
for every man, woman and child.
Not that I have seen any display of late,
but maybe, just maybe
that is because they are on every other surface
democratising each and every space.
Who are we really
when the façade of life is lifted,
the view no longer hiding the reality
of what we can see, believe and know as truth?
Who are we this person underneath?
What are we afraid of
when it comes to saying how we feel
in regard to the terrorising of our own
and carting them off unjustly to jail?
What type of neighbourhood do you belong?
Is it working toward peaceful resistance
or just going merrily along?
No hope of any change to these ways
if we are not prepared
to take those multi-layered blinkers off.
I say to you,
you who are aware or awake,
What is it about the breakfast cereal
you are to take and embrace?
October 21st, 2013
Tags: Connections