tragedy ahead
times are changing for the better
but who or what said that?
Surely not the media
for they are so afraid
if they follow any other pattern
life for them will be radically destroyed.
I know the answers
do you for yourself?
That is the most important stand
if you are able to value who you are
then all the questions are easily understood.
What is the evidence
to make me believe
other than the world news?
Easier said than done –
Trust your own experiences
of where you stand
and who in your neighbourhood
you treat with an equal hand shake.
No mistake about who you are then
clear as clear the evidence –
but do you want to believe
you are that type or not
for that is the problem
we do not think past the television soap op.
No need to worry
the world will last
the use by date is over
but that does not mean
life will not be possible.
The question for today’s thinkers
is quite a lot to contend
for they are fully embracing
that the style is not conducive
to what in the past was an ideal.
No such luck in the future
if the world does not cease its unfair game
where corporations ruin everything
that the politicians in their bought lifestyle allay.

if the populace all come out and play
that old type music marching along the way
banners a plenty selling their wares
about how mistreated
the rich in their million billionaire life’s play.
I want the music of what is fair and equitable,
sustainable and consuming less greed.
I want the valley once green to be repaired.
I want a solution to the pollution the rivers now bogged.
I want a solution to the air polluted with toxic dust.
The rivers and seas toxic and contaminated fisheries,
the fish of course just bearably free of elements
the likes of which kill eventually one way or another,
but certainly (not) health enhancing that is for sure.
What of the toxins fed to our cattle, beef supplies,
animals fed on hormones and antibiotics
what of them do we ingest
and who in the end does suffer and die?
What type of nation goes out everywhere
and fights the fight for democracy
and home lives a completely other lie?
No place on Earth can boast as these
and yet let us think
in whose name they are doing it
let us hope it is not in our own.
Tragedy strikes at the front door
eventually from those incarcerated
and destroyed daily
by vile drone upon drone strikes.
Tragedy is essentially the outcome of war
and when that ceases and strength builds
the power of the individual is strengthened again –
Well look out you folk who thought
war a means to your greed filled stockings end.
God bless America it has so much for us to benefit
and be grateful to know not what to do
in the name of democracy and hypocrisy
to last a life time through.
Who are the people who do not think for themselves
and give over power to the elite force?
I want some answers
it is getting pretty vile
here in the land of tents
of people living on fresh oops toxic air.
The thought of a new version
of life on this planet
can only be through a series
of coloured lens as we stand today.
The thought of any other landscape
than the barren-ness we have created
will take a mammoth amount of people
and strength to re-invest in conservation
and sustaining practice. – Are you one of them?
October 20th, 2013
Tags: Hope