and you were the one
who could have made that change.
And where were you?
Not having a snooze,
for that is an abomination
with what you and I will now have to lose.
The time is right, the venue unchecked,
the broadcaster hidden from any news flash.
What is so evident, pure and of delight
that so many came on out and made that sight.
People in thousands and thousands more
gathering everywhere, even Baltimore.
What of the venue that place – it all took place
what an adventure that now google and twitter
face book and that internal network
gathering intelligences all over the globe,
even here in our uniquely placed race.
God help the goodies they are now on the run
that is the folk on hill number one.
Thank God for heroes the internet queens
for they are allowing the religious minority
to even swing in their genes.

so many people on the networks alive.
What of the trouble that causes all these
so fanatical race of people so blind?
Thanks be to God that he is not solely
an American fundamentalist type.
We are the gathering few
that have a network wider than Congress
and the officialdom crew.
We are the many, so many now
it is hardly worth a count to advertise
to that negative political
supporting financial ruination crew.
God bless the innocent
for they are not in strife
for they are even children twittering
and facing the book of the real world’s life.
God bless and add to that blessing again
that we in America are alive
and kicking once again.
Thank God for uprisings and the like
for we are all now going to gather
and make one hell of a humongous strike.
Break all the deadlines
for that is what they are
and give over to the television
that type that runs ads
for the corporate machines
so no more rubbish is carried by them
for they are to be responsible
for the criminal activities of those few percent.
Take away the bubble burst in one foul swoop
and then the headlines will read
Congress is over and the people have spoken
with all those enormous crowds
voting with their feet.
Take hold the movement is upon us all
to shift the boundaries and own who we are
and in that take back our human rights
and what is upon us as totally fair.
October 13th, 2013
Tags: Connections