The Clever Observer

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Hang on …

Hang on I’m coming
the world is in decline.
Leverage is all I am hearing –
what a rort for the devilish kind.

No narrow street way is now safe to explore
the gods of the underworld
have hidden all your wealth
stored there amid the gold bullion
floating on paper above ground.

But we, the beavers, builders of dams
know well how long a stop-gap holds …
then hell and high water surface whatever
is being buried down deeply underground.

God help the speculators on high ground
their turrets being surrounded
by the hoards, the swells above ground.

T.V. commercials no longer spin
what government officials thought
would inspire political elites to win.

Now the tide is turning tornado like fast –
they have seen which side is best
for them to be aligned.

God help the gates
where bullion is supposedly stored,
looks like an elite target – N.S.A. reports.

The very least civil unrest.

September 11th, 2013