The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries from August 3rd, 2013

Build another model

Suddenly I started to wind back the clock
for fear was circling about what I felt as fact.
The world in trouble, screaming to be heard
I saw an opportunity to slow, but a third.

But in this mind of over work and little play
I had to write my memoirs for those remaining
when this fragile world had only a few to live,
after explosive revelations
that the men in power had been far too hasty
and blown us with their political agenda into mid air
where life, but a particle, fell as toxic dust
polluting the whole environment –
so hence few were spared.

Take a moment
think beyond a square hole
build another model
so dust particles no longer come
into spaces so easily for you.
Your mind is too able to soak up
that disgusting pile of dust and political rot.

August 3rd, 2013

Whatever are you to do…

Whistle blower, whistle blower
whatever are you to do,
the world is long overdue
for your news of what has been occurring
to hit our headlines.

But investigation seeking missiles
drones, are the size in town
searching your where-abouts.
Those who have a clue will be unearthed
as you too I am afraid.

Those horrible bastards
search high and low,
but what is worse
they have assistance
from you know who.


Take a conscience
wrap it in gold
next instant
that is a man without a care –
bought and sold.

August 2nd, 2013

A corrupted man

So long my dear friend I’ll have to write again
my conscience is unswerving
I know now what must be done.
Write of a hero’s tale, a story of a corrupted man
who had no will anymore to reap all the rewards
of a criminal mind shifting monies for some elite crowd
to be ensuring their bounty unbelievable in size,
was well hidden, no taxes implied.

But what I was left with was a conscience
pricked one day when I saw that list
one filled by so-called political dignitaries
one upon one
down a hideously long page.

My heart sank
to believe so much crime
right up to the house – what a debacle
no hope for a war-less life.

There is a war-less life possible,
but who am I to cry
for I spent a decade shifting
a criminal crew’s bounty side to side.
Now I find drugs
was an underpinning of their source
what next – prostitution
and childhoods destroyed.

My life is so ugly, unbearable with shame
I know no newsworthy article will surface
they own each one without any truth
be to their name.

So surely ‘whistle blower’,
that will be their cry
when in fact I know first hand
it is the name used by them
when in fact
it should read ‘cover up again’.

August 1st, 2013