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Careful tragedy ahead

Careful, careful here I come,
the world tragedy has truly begun.
People gather pockets here or there
matters not, the word is out. –

Thank God for the air to send at will
the messages required.
So more and more gathered
as they are inspired.

Each to bring a placard
stand on a street, silent as a lamb
waiting patiently to be born.
God help the afterbirth
of this type of crowd
as the momentum builds…

The one percent
will need to off-load at the shore
to wait on departure if allowed.
I suspect not
as there the crowd awaits public authority
to arrest such as these criminals
who are to be hiding in disguise –
but for the sniffer dogs
we will hunt and plague
until they are forced against a barracade.

And then what…?
They again no power
no authority to discharge.

The wolves gather silently
the storm about to break
meat on the table
probably the finest
of one percent pure steak.

August 26th, 2013