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A world at war

Not now my darling the world is at war
the factions fighting on every conceivable shore.

What are we doing, how can it be stopped,
this madness of men at the top
fighting for war on every single front?

The answer so simple
I must have been mad to ignore the signs,
those of the imperialists fighting on that hill
where houses of white dictate the outcome
of the simple-minded who blink at the wink
of those most devious men.

I know as I too believed
from the first moment the bombing stopped
that war was waging
on another completely other front –
devious, underhanded, covert they say,
but in reality it is the likes of us
they want to be kept at bay.

How seedy they stalk us as prey
their own countrymen and women
even children if only they could
be getting more of their own way.

I say to you the brothers and men
who are their belligerent machine
fighting all the while for those bountiful supplies,
the riches for them that are claimed –
think oh do think of what gain in your life
you are to have for those of your neighbourhood
or families and such for this is the big question
we are each now faced as they rob.

What is it about us this culture benign?
What of the value of each, are we so terribly blind?

I thought as I travelled
why do the rest of the world despise us so?
What is it about us
that makes us a demon in wolves ugly clothes?
I thought and thought and began to cry
at what of our country the world now knows
and in us we each appear to continue to deny.

We are the outcome of civility gone mad,
we are the outcome of a terrorist band
in the house so grand.
We march and declare of our patriotic stand
and yet who are we each and every man?

The value of mind and the capability of us all
can in fact change the landscape,
the design of this horrendous scene.
We are the military fighting for our lives
and yet who are we silent minority
trying on behalf of all you lazy,
but inefficiently weakened majority?

I want some sort of clarity
as to what you are to do on my behalf
for I am here writing and searching
and seeking away
at the truth of the situation
that has put us in such a disastrous
and blindly overt way.

Who are you …
when you consider this world that we are all in?
What sort of person do you declare you are
in your community or wider front?
What sort of person do you care
to declare as your friend?
Are you afraid to know anyone else
for fear they stand by their name and life and care?

I say to you, who are gathered here underground
wait, watch and listen
for in the final stages of our death
those above will not wonder who we were
for fear of exposure and yet…
they too in death will know and have to bear
what is so evident here
in this once grandiose land and air.

Take a little number out of that bowl
and consider yourself lucky
to know who you are
for that is how this world has become
nothing but numbers and you I assure
are not the few at number one.

August 19th, 2013