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To catch a thief

If I had a penny farthing for every thief I found
I would have been quite rich in that world now underground.
But if I find a sovereign then that is quite a matter beyond the impound.

However, if I am a thief of the upper end of town
then any money I am to take and gain is mine – and hidden
where no-one can expect and it be safe
whenever I choose to roam from town to town.

What does stand out is this… either you are able to catch a thief or not.

Either you look at the way in which you are living at the bottom of an ever widening gap and see where your future is planted – or not.
Either you can have a modicum of pride about who you are and in how you choose to live – or not.
Either way the time is right to overcome, to deliver a voice of mere whisper at the beginning and build upon that. – to say and have a say, to vote in conscience and if not then to write, perform, march, consider, value your steps in doing what is right for your life and the lives of your future generations. Not that it will make a very great difference, but think back to your own nearest and dearest historians who gave you the right to vote, to free speech and a reasonable standard of living.
Think back on the history of where human beings have come out of the darkness and into the light of a possible standard of life worth living – in safety, calm and peaceful surroundings preferably with the likelihood of having trees, forests of green vegetation and the freedom of fresh clean waterways and rivers flowing, not clogged and blocked by the pollution others, these elite barons, have forged for their own gains, not the likes of you and yours.

Who am I?

I am the voice of reason to do and be whatever I am capable of when considering the outcomes for the future of my family and theirs beyond my time.

Can I be effective?

Who knows and cares whether I am or not, but do as I am capable of is what I will leave as a legacy of worth for my family and the environment in which I now occupy.

Can I bother to care about the wider community?

Sure when they are part of this planet. I have to be one of them in what I do and in that I do have choice as this is a westernised community and I have a say, a right, a birthright and physical presence and this is where might is of the most powerful.

Stand up and be counted.

Sure you say, but not so easy. Well, write, make placards, place notices in the local press, the billboards of your local agency, the community workshops, and bins in your front yard. You have a voice think beyond the pail of failure and others to take care of you for that is a misnomer. They the elite few care less about your safety, but more about their income piles.

We are responsible.

Who are ‘we’? We are the people, the mass of the population and if you are unable to walk the peaceful trail for justice, equality and the American way then who is?

These are the facts:

You walk and march, sing and shout, print and paint for that is kindergarten stuff; the stuff of your children which you admire and love, hang up and praise, show other people and worship as the offspring of your loins. Well, now is the time to do your stuff and show them, the future of your generations how to work toward a more resilient population to walk and talk freely in the name of peace and justice, freedom and equality, hope and future prospects, employment and housing without fear.

FEAR is your biggest killer to freedom and the wealth of power that is drowning you all in the muck we seem here in the west to also be infected, disease-like with as well.

What am I to do about it, the minnow at the computer?

Write with my feet, march with my words, show and talk, consider and value, accept only my own worth as the truth of my experiences and operate on a wider plane than the one that is deliberately geared to put me down and cripple my worth.


August 15th, 2013