The Clever Observer

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The data is wrong

Correction, correction the data is all wrong
the value of our life stock is depleting as we speak.
The world is in contagion mode and we fear the worse and yet
to come is the failing wheat bales that destroyed open fair game
when genetic engineering became a world’s fame.
No amount of data can be spared scrutiny
for the world’s madness has become a way of life.
No more can I stand the benefits of a difficult world order
and that affecting my life style.
I have come to a very, very difficult conclusion,
is it up to me to fight for the life I want
and have to come for my siblings and theirs to come again?
No amount of laughter will shift the affair
so grave I can hardly bear to talk,
let alone think about who I am in this most foul of horrible affairs.

Who has the answer, well we each do
and that has been the problem through and through
all those most difficult problems ours to some extent
that has ruination on the lips of the courageous who speak out
without cause to their life style events.

I know I am weak and that is a most horrible statement of fact,
but so too I am willing to not face my firing squad
the elite and all their billions of off shore wealth,
but far, far worse are the armies and squadrons of air and attack vessels
to arm us, the idiots who again face
whatever they desire to conquer at their own bequests.

I know now the idiot I was before,
but I fail to believe that there is some form of power that I possess
and that is my birthright and not wealth to have all the say
and ruin this country forever because they declared it to be so.
I am a man of considerable wealth and that is in my writings
and too my voice of discontent. I have a promise to be made to myself
that I will not die because of some idiotic belief that I was perfectly safe.
What a debacle to believe such tripe,
when all the evidence to the contrary is there if we wish to own what we know.
And if not then look beyond a pale and ask of yourself
are you well and cared for by a system when the brakes are on
and you have no voice, no home or any substance,
but hollowed out beliefs that have left you homeless or else on the run?

No more I say and no more again,
for I am not prepared to go on any longer believing in all of them.
Those of the elite and political bent.
I have an argument but I shall not face you personally
for your armies of millions of billions of dollars prevent.
But here I am in the shelter that once was my home
prepared to commit to my computer all that I have heard,
experienced and believe, that of the others to whom I am aligned
giving me the data that no wrong can any longer be curtailed.

August 10th, 2013