The Clever Observer

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Good men die young

Honourable men are discharged
good men die young
and the bastards who are to cheat and lie
are success number one. Why?

Why are men liars
and cheat their way to the top floor
where corporations challenge them
to lie even more?

The answer quite simply put
is easy if you give a chance to think
and clear your mind of the rubbish fed
over the airwaves repeatedly
even when you are to sleep.

People are persuasive and easily understood
when in the limelight and you the public
give them the right amount of give.
But when you raise your awareness
and come out of the hidden dark
then there is another view
and one supposedly at first you will dislike.

The value of your message
is one that I long to hear
for I like you are hidden
but for different reasoning I am quite sure.

Who among you really feels secure
with all the drone like infiltrating airwaves
being discussed when you, your life is unsure?

I amount to nothing
in regard to the mighty corporations power,
but I do have a voice
and that in writing if afraid is what I can do
to allow my message about worth, humility
and care to come through every time
the problem is – who are you?

The voice of reasoning comes out eventually,
but first and foremost
it needs other people to support in that view
and most probably your feelings allay
what in your heart you know to be true.

So silently protest in prayer
if that is all required by you,
but eventually there is a time requiring
one to stand in their own stride
and mark a place for humanity
for that is what in effect are you.

August 3rd, 2013