he comes but once a year
no sign of him before that date —
As a birthday it arrives
that parcel present he brings
with so much humour and good cheer.
However of late
that date has gone by
but of this person so humorous and caring,
who do we know as such, do we care
but for this late arrival
his message unbeknown is very, very clear.
Life of the postman has died
his trail unknown by all
except that he brought with him a message
one to our heart, infected with love and cheer.
So what of our community
prior to his coming,
it made no attempt at humour
in fact solemn and gravely despaired.
I want another person like our postman dear
to call upon this village community
to allay away our fears…
Someone strong and vital, comfortable to travel far.
Someone with a most caring heart, one who likes all
and considers not their standing, their financial status
or bearing within our own.
Someone very forthright
comfortable around glum and despair.
Surely no other on our planet
has another Jesus to spare.
July 7th, 2013
Tags: Postman