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Think is the answer

Catastrophe calling, are you there on line –
someone has said there is a debacle occurring
and we need to prepare for the outcome onslaught.

Who has any answers about such as this crime?
Who has any idea who started this rumour
about our life style under attack?

My question simply put, what, where or when,
is this a mainstream source
or one deeply bedded well under foot?

The reason for my question is simply this …
I know now how accurate some are in relaying the facts.
Other sources are better informed
and others quite simply do nothing, but deaden our mind
causing others well informed to yawn in disgust.

The answer for today’s reader is a simplified note,
ask yourself
who and why, what for this information
and who is to be gaining what?

Think is the answer
Think about those facts
Think about your own life experiences
and of who or what
is way on or off the track?

July 21st, 2013