The Clever Observer

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“Victory” a word a coward shouts

A crime, a crime, a criminal I will be
for having survived
such mental torment daily
upon a blood-letting scene.

God or who or what ever you may be
have forged some hearts into a hell-like,
war-mongering disease.

God, you are the most hideous of beings
to allow little ones as young as these
dying badly from such horrific injuries.

Grant me peace that when I die
my heart does return somehow
to force some peace and love around
before I scream of victory.

As from where I lie right now
‘victory’ is a word a coward shouts
one without a heart of peace, but war.

No one with whom I have fought
ever more does want to be
part of a history destined to war.

So battle cry and sing or shout
my mantra, my cry, my song will be…

God of the heart of humanity
grant unto me
a love I want to feel
and be expressing in my life
now and ever more
even if for a day or two at least
I will have recovered some part of me
out of this hellish war.

One so evil,
who on Earth declared it so violently
without even a word of reasonable
human decency?

June 26th, 2011