Standing tall amongst the stone
as if enthroned
a mother laments,
but what…
we are to leave for her
to there bemoan.
May 19th, 2011
Tags: Hope
Standing tall amongst the stone
as if enthroned
a mother laments,
but what…
we are to leave for her
to there bemoan.
May 19th, 2011
Tags: Hope
The value of human life – inoperable
when it comes to a nuclear war across the globe.
You aren’t capable
of understanding
your life purpose
if you are not purpose-led
in your daily actions
and thought processes.
God of goodness,
God of grace …
Why are so many of your flock
filled by hate?
God gives,
God takes away
but who is God but you on earth
playing as you are…
but the game
is what God is interested in
and by whom
for in the end it is he who lives
and dies
within a consciousness type sport.
Nothing changes
like the mind of a man
who has bravely tried to understand
who or why or what he has done
and then in reverence
who now he chooses to become.
You are your own saviour.
If not who am I
but a slave
to the one percent lot?
Save yourself from misery
climb out of your religious text
and build a better future
for yours and your own
individual family crest.
Love is the message
of Christmas Yule tides.
Not the insidiousness
and hatefulness
and horrific divides.
God in the heavens
or in man
to daily, behaviourly,
kindly, to be expressed.
Loves lost no more,
Love gains
when in reality – the truth
Something shatters the illusion
when we wake up and see
the world as it is.
Not as we prefer and defer.
Sometimes I feel lonely.
Sometimes I feel sad.
But in the main
all I have known
is of war and death.
Must we decide in
whose hell we reside.
give us the strength
to claim all as one
as You did on earth provide.
Mind over matter
Life over death
death of insight
divinely expressed
Safety first, conscience free
how is that a possibility
when the earth requires of me
to be an earthly human being,
consciously-fed to be aware
love as life a continuous,
ever-reaching thread?
You thought and thought and what next?
You have to make a decision about what?
Politically to vote for who
when in fact the deed is already won and done …
done and won no matter what electorate
it appears given, how and who
because the votes are rigged.
Lust and greed breed
A devil-enriched seed.
Hot topic.
Hot news.
What’s hot?
Not a nuclear fuse?
Set to diffuse
or total subterfuge?
Claim to know something.
Well what can that be?
Surely not wisdom for that got lost back when the sacred view of humanity was life and peace for all.
Take care.
Silent thoughts disagree.
Verbal abuse.
Hate and terror.
Fear and despise.
Next warring
and too terrorising.
Men and women raging
divisions everywhere.
Think wise Think sacrifice.The Wild West brigade hate you talking warless while they play where peace for all in harmony is a stupid idea, a futile loss of wealth for the idle few.
So much anguish
required to be maintained.
Or else no more value
just a permanency
of despair and disdain.
The weather almost continues today with what I call extremism
as this is the newest latest craze
to “ism” everything that is the rage.
You cannot take yourself further
than the mind of conscience permits until a desire to stop,
observe and own yourself arises.
So why bother to hate and blame
far easier, less painful to re-look
and own truthfully who you are
and are trying endlessly to be.
Caution not required
insanity, globally, exists.
No more than for today.
Is your conscience cleaned?
– Required.
Watch your back
within hallowed ground.
Nowhere safe
caution with loyalty to that voice
God installed to all upon your birth
to avail good and preserve
as to yours and His.
Take care America
we bleed here with you.
Stop warring,
repair your own behaviour
and wounds
before a blaming game
you spew and do.
Love is not a vital source
within a man and woman,
it has to be fed.
And when it is enriched
by the love of spiritual worth
then the whole universe
is as alight by candles,
stars of human worth on earth.
Sympathy is outstanding but what is it for if sincerity is not part of the equation for all, not just the wealthy while neglecting the poor.
Holistic is not a religion’s threat
but a human requirement
to live on earth without a threat.
God gave.
What did you receive?
Life and all those
in-numerable benefits,
large, small, in-between.
not a moment,
word or thought
if you are
an unfortunate sort.
Have a heart
look beyond the surface skim
you too are part of history
and what of now –
a mess we are in.
The merry men
make idle prophets
incensed to human frailty
because in essence
merry is not a word
valuable to any herd …
more likely peace, safety
and the sanctuary
of a bed and shelter
each night without
the continual hum drum of wars.
Act not react
You aren’t capable
of understanding
your life purpose
if you are not purpose-led
in your daily actions
and thought processes.
Whether or not you care
someone does …
so, why not support them?
You thought significant.
You thought exceptional.
You thought about anything else of late?
For in the Westernised view
it is all about to be screwed.
Reckless individualism
is wrecking the Western world.
But more importantly wrecking our souls, the gentleness required to value humankind.
Suddenly the news broadcast contends that terrorism is on the rise – what then?
Well complacency sets in for it is in another country and pity help them then.
Peace on earth to all
Regardless, the people who prefer,
a hellish life riding and rising to war.
Make my dinner a rich embellishment
of more of the same
as long as I can keep my computer and stay brain dead
I am a happy chappy without any form of blame.
The history of a mind contains
more of life
than what most want told
and too unveiled.
The party over folks
mend your ways
clean up, shape up
and lie to yourselves no more.
Love is not the answer
for hate is on the rise
Tolerance is a requisite
as man as of now himself does despise
Hello goodbye
the emergency is on
Way past a deadline
now an emergency
How very stupid
should have addressed
our sustainability
eons before now.
Don’t wait
store well – well at least until
that water supply and food lasts
then what?
Death – I don’t think so
war on every level, land too and sea.
The water never evaporates in a mind filled by thoughts of wonder and grace.
– A view of oneself as a perfect example of trying to modify the excesses of a badly framed human race.
A life lived in harmony with the cosmos – this is true wisdom, the authentic road to salvation, in the sense of saving us from fears and making us thereby happier and more open to others.
Luc Ferry
Artwork courtesy of Susan Richards | © 2025 The Clever Observer