The Clever Observer

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Peace, Peace, Utter Peace

Who on Earth can give it to me now?

I am suffering here among the flotsam and jetsam of ages gone and present dis-at-ease of thoughtless behaviour and criminal intent.

Our world, this globe of a phenomenal place is at a loss calmly contemplating its horrid face.

What did we do, are we doing in a world we should care for and love? For this Earth is all we do actually have folks for our existence, our place, our part for life to be lived as a human race.

Give me the other, the love I have known.

Give me the outlook and not the human disgrace and shame.

Give me the ability, skill and desire required now to complete my life without any more blame for what I am doing and have done in another’s name in another’s place of worship. In this land, this sea, this watery landscape required to grow and be sustaining of me, my life, my presence here among others where we are supposed to differ, but live a life equally pleased to be supporting and nourishing this life force – humanity.

July 31st, 2010