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Warring World and Troubled Minds

To be a soldier in a world at war is a miserable task indeed. For here among the minnows a person loses their power of thought, identity and purpose as a humane and critically judging and peaceful soul.

What does drive our ambitious self to war?

What does eliminate the need for a powerful struggle, strife and pain?

What part of our life needs to war against another, a culture, a country, a being?

Surely not just to be part of a cause, an opportunity to find some form of peace among that hectic throng.

What makes for a soldier of warring worlds and troubled minds?

Surely, a person not worthy to be loved, love and be in love, not a person who does prefer to care, kindly accepting a difference in human beings.

What does make for you so small to build an army, a defense against those who do you no harm?

I have to come at some time soon to answer all my questions about life and what I did and do and believe. – So, help me God to be at peace soon for my gun is ready to aim. Please let me understand this futile, ridiculous carnage-ensconced game.

Take me back where I belong, a place of harmony where all I do is live my life in a state of care to enable me to bear the hardship when my life begins to be unfair.

I have to come at the very least to a place in my heart, where there is a great sense of peace.

God in her misery cries and wails a story of sadness of hopeless-ness and endless tales.

My heart longs to be set in a place where I can rest singing the praises of those who do attest to life as precious, valuable and sweet, to know no other life but that of courage and not let falter and be complete.

July 30th, 2010