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How Can I Be Responsible

How can I, or you for that matter, be responsible and yet the Earth we are all standing on is in danger of being made redundant and is in loss and despair?

The answer is value all our life events and make sure not to be continually repeating those of a harsh and horrible nature.

This is a time, a considerably dangerous period, when nothing appears obvious as a life somewhere ends. – That one beautiful expression of a human being’s life is no more, never to be again, no matter who grieves and laments their loss.

We grieve in all forms. Not only when a loved one dies, but of all loss no matter how apparently small in relation to our own value and worth in our world.

There is always someone somewhere looking to be cared for and comforted, but where is our love toward our self first and foremost, where it certainly does count for something of worth and value in the most precious of spaces – our own on this Earth?

God, that source of mystery contained within our own mind, knows our view and feelings of worth, validity and purpose. – And this is not a thing for our mind source to be lacking or else grief is a constant reminder of our losses by the score.

Become aware of our value and take a courageous stand to survive and sustain life while on Earth. The value in our lives as people of worth is what we take to our graves where life of another form exists and in that we are the arbiter of our fate now in this present world.

June 25th, 2010