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Packing the Suitcase

Packing the suitcase for home.

How do I know I have a home?

Leave the troubles behind.

What are they for instance?

Going home is difficult

being away is tough.

Love is an article unless it believes in living life properly,

wisely and with a conviction

to grow earnestly.

Love is at the core

reason is part of it

divine joy appreciates the value of both.

The party is over

let us begin to evaluate our losses.

A time for loving, that is what the world is being called upon to do.

Just that is all it can take to change the focus, the value of who one is and in how one can be effective and true to your own identity and value as a human being on Earth.

There, but there are the clues for life – identity, focus and truth about oneself in the world.

And not that of the outer realms of reality, but of the inner more true view one has

if only…

If only a person is prepared to take that step and be worthy of who they are and have become in the world.

June 23rd, 2010